The 'London Mahogany' first published in Clocks Magazine September 2021
Lantern clocks
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Buying Your First Lantern Clock - Some pointers for beginners
The research we carry out for clients leads to some fascinating and valuable discoveries. In the latest in this series of articles we look at into the 'London Mahogany' style with a close examination of a clock by John Waldron of Cornhill.
Earlier 'Clock Stories' have: explored the earliest domestic horological item by any clockmaker in the Oxfordshire region, delved into a caseless clock by an unknown maker who shares his name with at least 15 other clockmakers, and looked at a clock whose case contained an exceptionally rare document. We have examined a French clock with a puzzling signature, featured one of the very first English lantern clocks, found in rural Georgia, looked at the life and times of a 19th-century longcase clockmaker, Lewis Price, and uncovered seven generations of clockmakers in the same family.
The 'London Mahogany' first published in Clocks Magazine September 2021
Thomas Fardon: Unknown Quaker maker first published in Clocks Magazine April 2020
George Willson: Common name, unknown maker first published in Clocks Magazine May 2019
Clockmaker Puzzle first published in Clocks Magazine April 2019
Guery of Paris or London ... or both! first published in Clocks Magazine October 2019
The Ray Family: Seven generations of clockmaking first published in Clocks Magazine July 2017
Virgin Islands Clock first published in Clocks Magazine July 2017
Life Times first published in Antique Collecting
Do you have an antique clock or are you thinking about acquiring one? Find out more about our identification, appraisal and valuation services.
Our ever-growing collection of articles about just some of the many makers and clocks that we have encountered over the years. Our current highlight is Thomas Bagley, an interesting maker working in London in the 1660s and 1670s.
An interesting maker: Thomas Bagley first published in Clocks Magazine September 2014
John Wainwright, His only lantern first published in Clocks Magazine May 2020
Sharp Practice... takes another turn first published in Clocks Magazine February 2018
Thomas Stockton, a particularly interesting clock first published in Clocks Magazine March 2017
Account Book of Thomas Sharp and Thomas Gibbs of Stratford first published in Clocks Magazine December 2017
Sharp Practice: Nefarious horological goings-on first published in Clocks Magazine August 2017
Giles Lumbard, A Puzzle and a Mystery first published in Clocks Magazine September 2017
Thomas Wrangles and an unusual bracket clock first published in Clocks Magazine June 2017
William Jackson - Mysterious maker of Leicester first published in Clocks Magazine March 2019
Lee, Wilkins, Stafford - The first clockmakers in Leicester first published in Clocks Magazine May 2018
Baldwin Potter of Stockport and Ireland first published in Clocks Magazine March 2018
Lantern Clocks with square dials first published in Clocks Magazine May 2016
Aylward & Risbridger first published in Clocks Magazine August 2009
John Dennis, Maidstone ... and a Valued Possession first published in Clocks Magazine October 2017
William Raynes Part 1 first published in Clocks Magazine
William Raynes Part 2 first published in Clocks Magazine
Peter Guy's Liverpool lantern clock
Edward Rundell, clockmaker of Norton St. Philip, Somerset
William Snashall, blacksmith, clockmaker and gentleman
Thomas Moore of Long Melford
The Ogden clockmakers and their lantern clocks
Henry Webster of Aughton again
John Lindsey of Nayland, a country clockmaker
Jeremy Gregory's lantern clocks
Thomas Moore of Ipswich and wings and fakes
Thomas Tue of King's Lynn
Isaac Hadwen's time in Sedbergh
A lantern clock hood
Benjamin Stribling and William Goodwin - Stowmarket's first clockmakers
John Mercer, clockmaker of Hythe
Richard Morley, maker of an early iron lantern clock from Warwickshire
James Drury, clockmaker, and his family
Thomas Pott of St. James's Street, Westminster
Thomas Langley and the nonconformist clockmakers of Abingdon
William Kipling of London, clockmaker and gentleman
William Yeadon
Humphrey Marsh, clockmaker of Highworth
Richard Beck - another lantern clock discovered
John Buffett of Colchester and his lantern clocks
Walter Archer's oldest clock
The Bullock family of clockmakers of Ellesmere, Shropshire
George Guest of Aston again
Thomas Mawkes of Derby
The Broderick family of clockmakers
Edward Hodges, one of Spalding's first two clockmakers
Hooded clocks
John Fraser of Worcester
William Barlow and the first clockmakers in King's Lynn, Norfolk
The Stokes family of Clockmakers
The Stripling family of clockmakers
Thomas Crawley and Davis Mell, lantern clock makers (?)
Thomas Dyde of London, lantern clock maker
The Warner family of Clockmakers
John Lindsey, clockmaker, of Nayland, Suffolk
Benjamin Shuckforth of Diss in Norfolk
Joseph Curtis, clockmaker of Chew Magna in Somerset
Cornelius Manley of Norwich and the Manley family of clockmakers
Peter Closon, lantern clock maker
William Reeve of Spalding, maker of the oldest Lincolnshire clock
Robert Williamson's lantern clock
Markwick Markham
John and Robert Watts, clockmakers of Stamford
Diamond Dials, or picture frame clocks
John Disborrow of Ashen, lantern clock maker and gentleman
Richard Breckell and his lantern clocks
Richard Beck, a lantern clock maker during the Civil War
John Barnett and his Lantern Clocks
Benjamin Hill, a clockmaker during the Civil War
Edward Stanton and his lantern clocks
Zigzags - dials by a certain group of Quaker clockmakers
John Trubshaw and a miniature lantern clock with a square dial
Robert Croome of Wotton under Edge and his hooded clocks
William Barnard again
Solomon Wasson, the first Bristol clockmaker
John Michell of Chardstock, Clockmaker
Joseph and Jacob Littlemore of Frodsham, early Quaker clockmakers
Jeremy Gregory, Goldsmith and Clockmaker
Richard Roe of Epperstone
John Drew - a really small miniature lantern clock
John Lyon - Lancashire's first clockmaker
Thomas Browne - the first clock by Bristol's first clockmaker
Hilkiah Bedford and a Charles II sundial
Charles Farrer of Doncaster and a clock for a sporting gentleman
William Monk - an early rural clockmaker
Thomas Milles of London, lantern clock maker
James Hendrie of Wigton, clockmaker
A Lantern Clock Showing 'Thirds' of an hour
Richard Ames, lantern clock maker
William Munford and his extraordinary clocksmith clock
A Bristol Lantern Clock - and Sandwiches
Jacques Layllet - maker of an extraordinary French lantern clock
Ambrose Hawkins of Wells and Exeter
Jeffrey Bayley of The Turnstile in Holborn, London - some observations on lantern clock making
A Gentleman's Travelling Lantern Clock
William Cockey of Wincanton
The Whittaker Family of Middleton, Lancashire
Nicholas Paris of Warwick and his lantern clocks
Hook-and-Spike Clocks
Lantern Clock Frets - a new aspect seen on a Thomas Knifton clock?
A Cromwellian Clock for a Cavalier
Hooded Clocks
John London of Bristol
Henry Webster and the Lancashire School of lantern clock makers
Blacksmiths' Iron Lantern Clocks
Robert and John Crucefix of London, Huguenot clockmakers
A Tulip-dial Clock of the Seventeenth Century
The Longcase Clocks of Thomas Power of Wellingborough
Lantern Clocks - some frequently asked questions
The Bothamleys of Boston, Lincolnshire, and an unusual wall clock
A Hooded Wall Clock by William Barnard of Newark, Nottinghamshire
John Smorthwaite of Colchester and elsewhere
Key-wound Thirty-hour Clocks
To Clean or not to Clean
Moons and Tides
Pantry Clocks for the Servants' Quarters
Lantern Clocks converted to spring drive
Lantern Clocks of the mid-seventeenth century - an examination of some with 'matchstick man' castings and 'matchstick' flower engraving
Richard Marshall of Wolsingham, Senior and Junior
William Selwood of the Mermaid in Lothbury, lantern clock maker
The Deykins of Worcester, clockmakers
George Mills de Ripon, Ripon's first clockmaker
The Powleys of Asby
Robert Davis, Burnley's First Clockmaker
John Briggs of Gargrave and Skipton - some personal insights into the life and work of a nineteenth century provincial clockmaker
An Extraordinary Longcase Clock in the Egyptian Taste
The oldest surviving clock by a Welsh clockmaker?
Henry Burges and his clocks
Robert Harvey, maker of the first lantern clocks in Britain
The Lantern Clocks of Thomas Power of Wellingborough
William Barnard and the First Newark Clockmakers
Grand mahogany painted-dial longcase clocks from north-west England: Period One 1770-1800
A clock made for an officer on Admiral Nelson's flagship, The Vanguard
A Beginner's Guide to Lantern Clocks
Thomas Loomes and the Mermaid
Conversion Lantern Clocks and Richard Smith
The First Clockmakers in Suffolk and the earliest known Suffolk clock
Oak Longcase Clocks with Brass Dials - plain or fancy
A Lantern Clock in a Wooden Case with Corbels
A Ten-inch Penny Moon Dial Longcase in Pine by William Northrop of Wakefield
A New Clock by Samuel Ogden
A Suffolk Lantern Clock by Richard Rayment of Bury St. Edmunds
A Four-hundred-year-old Sundial
Turkish Market Clocks
A Sleeper Awakened
New clocks from old
An interesting country clock
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