Lantern clocks
Brian & Joy Loomes |
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Lantern clock made in the 1650s by Thomas Loomes of the Mermaid in Lothbury, London, with re-instated balance wheel escapement and alarm - see article. SOLD |
Fine lantern clock of the 1650s by Thomas Knifton of the Crossed Keys in Lothbury, London, formerly balance wheel, converted later to anchor escapement, pictured before restoration. See article. SOLD. |
Unique lantern clock c.1640 by Nicholas Snowe of Salisbury, Wiltshire. SOLD. See article. |
Very rare lantern clock by Nicholas Paris of Warwick, 1670s-80s, one of only two known, with original centre verge escapement and alarmwork, pictured before restoration. SOLD. See article. |
Lantern clock by William Cockey of Wincanton, Somerset, c.1710, with original verge escapement, pictured before restoration, the only lantern clock by this maker known to survive unaltered. One of a very famous family of clockmakers. See article. SOLD |
Rare lantern clock c.1700 by Thomas Shilling of Boughton (Kent) converted to double fusee spring drive, pictured after restoration. SOLD. |
Hooded wall clock of the mid-eighteenth century with alarm by Thomas Baxter, believed to have worked at Conderton, Staffordshire, pictured unrestored. SOLD. |
Tiny arched dial lantern clock (dial 5inches by 7 inches) with alarmwork and original verge escapement made about 1775 by John Holland of London, pictured before restoration. See article. SOLD. |
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Our valuation/identification/appraisal services cost from £100 (currently $150 US)